Horrible Guild, has just announced an official digital adaptation of their critically acclaimed forest-building game, Evergreen is coming to Steam, iOS and Android on April 22!
The game has players competing to make the best use of available Biome cards each round to create the most lush planet.
Board Game Geek describes Evergreen’s gameplay as:
In Evergreen, your goal is to build a lush ecosystem by planting seeds, growing trees, and placing other natural elements on your planet, trying to make it the greenest and most fertile of all.
You choose biome cards from a common pool to determine which area of your planet you’ll develop in a round. The cards not chosen make those regions more fertile, and thus more valuable. To create a huge forest, you want to grow trees, plant bushes, and place lakes, while using the power of nature to gain extra actions. Ideally you can concentrate your trees in the most fertile areas, but without them overshadowing one another as you also want them to collect as much light as possible.
The digital version will feature the beautiful original board game by Wenyi Geng, “fleshed out and digitally enhanced” specifically for this digital release.
In addition to the base game, the Pines and Cacti expansion modules from the physical board game expansion will also be available for the digital version as DLC!
Play solo against AI bots or create online challenges to compete with players from all over the world!
The game will feature local Pass & Play Mode for up to 4 players as well as cross-platform, asynchronous multiplayer challenges, play with your friends anytime, anywhere!
Horrible Guild has a lot of experience with digital ports of their games with successful digital releases of Potion Explosion (one of my all-time favorite digital board game apps), Dragon Castle and Railroad Ink and more.
While I don’t have any experience with the Evergreen board game…you had me at Horrible Guild and I will most definitely be checking this one out.
While you wait for the release, watch the trailer for the Steam release below: