We’re Giving Away A $25 iTunes Gift Card Courtesy of Big Fish Games

The friendly folks at Big Fish Games recently contacted us and asked if we'd like to host a $25 iTunes cards giveaway for our...

Tap ‘n Cap Giving Away At Least $70 Worth of iTunes Gift Cards To...

To promote their Talking Zombo the Zombie app, Tap 'n Cap Games is currently running a big giveaway which includes (at a minimum) $70...

Birthday Celebration Day Four : Unboxed Giveaway!

Day 4 means another giveaway. Today, instead of another game, we have a tool that could be quite useful...a QR Code reader from PointpoRelease...

Win A Free Copy of Meganoid Courtesy of OrangePixel

Last week OrangePixel released their latest game Meganoid on iOS, and this week you have an opportunity to win a copy for free! Meganoid...

Win a Free Copy of The Charming New iOS Logic Puzzle Game ‘Partyrs’

One of last week's more stand-out new releases on the App Store was a charming little logic puzzle game called Partyrs. The object of the...

Win A Copy of HIT THE DECK Baseball For The iPad

Smashed Fly contacted us and asked if our readers would like some free copies of the iPad release of HIT THE DECK Baseball Of...

BookBook For iPhone 4/4S Giveaway & New Details On The BookBook For iPhone 5

If you read my review of TwelveSouth's BookBook case for the iPhone 4/4S, you'll know that I am a big fan of this case...

Today We Kick Off A Week of Giveaways To Celebrate Our First Birthday!

As you may have heard, AppAddict.net turns one next Wednesday. Since we've had such a generous outpouring of prizes from the App Development community,...

Win Some Crazy B.I.T.S Pinball Action Courtesy of @BlueBearStudio

Blue Bear Studio has generously donated 4 promo codes for their B.I.T.S Pinball game for us to giveaway to our loyal readers, twitter followers...

Birthday Celebration Day Six : Kaboom! Giveaway!

Some may consider Sunday a day of rest, but not for our giveaways! Stacey Abshire, the developer of Kaboom! has generously donated a bucket-load...