North Star Games’ Kickstarter campaign for Evolution – The Video Game has obliterated its $40k funding goal, with nearly $103,000 in pledges and over 3,800 backers!
At the time of this posting there is only about 34 hours left in the campaign, so if you are at all interested in this amazing digital board game adaptation, then I HIGHLY recommend backing this campaign (I myself am a backer).
For as little as $10, you can get in on either the iOS or Android beta (and get a released copy next year).
More than $30 worth of free exclusive extras which have been unlocked during the campaign!
More than $30 of Kickstarter-exclusive stretch goals have been unlocked, in addition to many pledge-level exclusives.
This is the best deal we’ll ever offer for Evolution: The Video Game. We’re serious that we need you playing this game to help us make this the best digital board game ever.
Back for $10 or more and you get the following (in addition to the released game):
- Free Digital CLIMATE expansion!!!
- Exclusive avatars
- A FREE additional copy* of the game on platform of choice (including Steam) to give as a gift
- Early beta access
- An extra pass for early beta access (for a friend)
- Exclusive trait cards
- Early backer access to Campaign Mode
- Special “Bosses” to defeat, like Carnivora Maxima and Glutto Vastus
- Detailed game statistics
- A game history log
- A ranked leaderboard
- Special Watering Hole Challenges that introduce new goals.
- A new Watering Hole
- Special creature illustrations that appear when you create creatures with particular trait combos
- The DOM-inator AI, which plays like Evolution’s designer, Dominic Crapuchettes (he’s really good)
*Additional copy is final release only, it doesn’t include beta access for this platform.
There are more stretch goals to come…
There are still some final last minute stretch goals to be unlocked including asynchronous gameplay, in-game chat, game-soundtrack downloads, and Evolution-themed wallpaper.
Check out the campaign and help unlock the final goals.
See the game in action during numerous live streams…
Today and tomorrow North Star Games will be doing a bunch of Live Streaming on Kickstarter Live and Twitch:
- 1:00pm EST, single-player mode (beta) on Kickstarter Live
- 2:00pm EST, multi-player mode (beta) on Twitch
- 5:00pm EST, single-player mode (beta) on Kickstarter Live
- 6:00pm EST, multi-player mode (beta) on Twitch
The streams are a great way to learn some strategy and see how the game plays.
Check out the full list of pledge levels on the campaign page and consider backing the game.