This week on the podcast Trevor and I discuss the latest happenings in the world of Apple.

Topics include the iOS release of the official stand-alone Google Maps App, Apple’s ‘intense interest’ in Television, Microsoft’s refusal to play along with Apple’s standard 30% cut and whether or it is good, bad or complete lunacy to see iOS games turned into physical board games.

We also discuss a number of new releases including my absolute fave of the week, Playdek’s (quite possibly) perfect transformation of the card game Fluxx to iOS, Disney’s new Monster’s Inc-themed version of Mega Run, the cool and unique to-do app, Sooner and the all-new freemium version of You Don’t Know Jack.

As always we also dip into a few recent app updates as well, so sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Purchase the Apps we discussed on this episode:

And here’s a link to the 99¢ Angry Bird iPad apps sale.