Penny Arcade, the organizers of PAX Unplugged, has just sent over an impressive list of 260+ confirmed exhibitors who will be attending their third-annual event being held at the Philadelphia Convention Center from December 6th – 8th.
For those of you keeping track, that’s just over DOUBLE the number of confirmed exhibitors initially announced for the inaugural PAX Unplugged show two years ago.
It seems that word has definitely gotten out that this is THE East Coast convention for board game publishers to show off all of their fantastic and fun new titles to eager board gamers.
If you have not been to PAX Unplugged, before, I highly recommend considering purchasing badges and checking it out for one, two or all three days.
This being an iOS-centric website, I’m not sure you are wondering, why are you writing about this event. Well, first off…it is so much fun and you all should go. Secondly, in previous years, despite the “unplugged” focus of the show, there have been quite a few publishers with digital board games and/or app-enhanced board games at the show that we’ve been able to talk with and check out.
We are looking forward to bringing you back lots of great stuff from this year’s PAX Unplugged, so stay tuned for loads more coverage.
In the meantime, here is the current list of Confirmed PAX Unplugged 2019 Exhibitors (in alphabetical order):
- 2CGaming
- 9th Level Games
- Active Player Network
- Adventure Away
- AEGIS Combining Robots
- Albino Dragon
- Alderac Entertainment Group
- Alley Cat Games
- Almost a Game
- Amigo Games
- Anomia Press
- Anvil Eight Games
- Arcane Wonders
- Archon Games
- Arcknight
- Ares Games
- Arkenforge
- ArmorClass10.com
- Asmadi Games
- Asmodee North America
- Atlas Games
- Atomic Mass Games
- Battleground Games
- Bezier Games
- Bicycle
- Big Cat Games
- Big Potato Games
- Blood on the Clocktower
- Blue Orange Games
- Board and Dice s.c.
- BoardGameTables.com
- Breaking Games
- Brotherwise Games
- Button Shy Games
- Calliope Games
- Capstone Games
- Card Titan
- Carolina Game Tables
- CATAN Studio
- Cephalofair Games
- Certifiable Studios
- Chaosium Inc.
- Chip Theory Games
- CoolStuffInc.com
- Copper Frog Games
- Crafty Games
- Cranio Creations
- Critsuccess LLC
- Czech Games Edition
- D&D Beyond
- Days of Wonder
- Deep Water Games
- Dice Dungeons
- Dice Throne
- Dice Tower
- Die Hard Dice
- Dr. Finn’s Games
- Drinks with Frenemies
- Elderwood Academy
- Elf Creek Games
- Elzra
- Everything Epic
- ExocrateGames
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Fate of the Norns
- First Fish Games
- Flatout Games
- Floodgate Games
- Flying Nightbear Games
- Foam Brain
- Foam Brain
- Fog of Love
- Forbidden Games
- Formal Ferret
- Fowers Games
- Free League Publishing
- Fun to 11
- Funko Games
- Gale Force 9
- Game and a Curry, LLC
- Game Envy Creations
- Game Toppers LLC
- Game Trade Magazine
- Gamelyn Games
- GamerMats
- Games and Gears
- Games Workshop
- GameWick Games
- Gamewright Games
- Gamingetc.com
- Gate Keeper Games and Dice
- Gather Round Games
- Geek Fever Games
- Geekon
- Gemhammer
- Genius Games
- Golden Bell Studios
- Goodman Games
- Grand Gamers Guild
- Gray Matters Games
- Greater Than Games
- Green Ronin Publishing
- Hero: Tales of the Tomes
- Hub Games
- IDW Games
- Indie Boards and Cards
- Indie Game Developer Network
- Inked Gaming
- Inkwell Ideas
- Inside Up Games
- Japanime
- Jason Anarchy Games
- Jim Likes Games
- Keymaster Games
- Kickstarter
- Kids Table Board Gaming
- Knight Moves Cafe
- Knight Realms
- Kobold Press
- Kosmos
- Lay Waste Games
- Leder Games
- Letiman Games
- Level 99 Games
- Level Up Dice
- Libellud
- Liveware Lab
- Lone Shark Games
- LongPack Games
- Lookout Games
- Looney Labs
- Lucky Duck Games
- Lukeprojekt Sp. z o.o. Mobygeek
- Luma Imports
- Lynnvander Studios
- Mage Hand Press
- Magpie Games
- Master Monk
- Material Components
- Mayday Games
- Mercury Games
- Metafactory Games
- Metallic Dice Games
- Mighty Boards
- Mixlore
- Modiphius
- Monocle Society/Weave
- Move38
- Muster Box
- Mythical Normal
- Nauvoo Games
- Nightingale Games
- Nomnivore Games Inc.
- Nord Games
- Norse Foundry
- North Star Games
- North Wind Adventures
- Oakie Doakie Dice
- Obscure Reference Games, LLC
- ODAM Publishing
- Oink Games
- Oni Press
- Onyx Path Publishing
- Paizo
- Panda Game Manufacturing
- Pandasaurus Games
- Pandemonium Books and Games
- Parallel Games
- Pastimes
- Pelgrane Press
- Perplext
- Petersen Games
- Pinnacle Entertainment
- Plaid Hat Games
- Poccade
- Portal Dragon
- Project Genius
- Queen Games
- Quined Games
- R&R Games
- R. Talsorian Games
- Rathskellers
- Rattrap Productions
- Raven Rook Publishing
- Ravensburger
- Realmsmith
- Rebellion
- Red Duke Games
- Reliquary Game Studios
- Renegade Game Studios
- Repos Production
- Resonym
- Restoration Games
- Rock Manor Games
- Runaway Parade
- Sentient Cow Games
- SFR Inc.
- Shoot Again Games
- Skybound Studios
- SlugFest Games
- Smirk & Dagger Games
- Soaring Rhino
- Society for Creative Anachronism
- Spinmaster
- SRG Universe
- Steve Jackson Games
- Story Machine Games
- Strange Machine Games
- Stronghold Games
- Studio 2 Publishing
- Studio Woe
- Stylin Online
- Surfin Meeple
- Syrinscape
- Syther Gaming
- Table Titans
- Tabletop Co-op
- Tabletop Tycoon
- Talon Strikes
- Tectonic Craft Studios
- TeeTurtle
- Th3rd World Studios
- The Broken Token
- The Burning Wheel
- The Darker Side
- The Deck of Many
- The Game Crafter
- The Indie Bazaar
- Thompson Productions LLC
- Thunderworks Games
- Tiki Tiki Board Games
- Tinkerturf
- TNT Laser Works
- Top Trumps
- Triquetra Entertainment
- TTcombat
- Tuesday Knight Games
- Twilight Creations
- Twogether Studios
- Ultimate Guard
- UltraPRO
- Vallejo
- Van Ryder Games
- Volante Design, Inc.
- Warcradle Studios
- Weird Giraffe Games
- White Wizard Games
- Wild East Game Company
- Wild Power Games
- Winning Moves Games USA
- Wizards of the Coast
- WizKids
- Wolff Design
- Wyrmwood
- XYZ Game Labs
- Yanaguana Games
- Zafty Games
- Z-Man Games
- Zulu’s Game Cafe