In 2010, TheCodingMonkeys launched their iOS version of the popular German tile-based board game, Carcassonne. Eventually iPad support was added and the app was made Universal and over the past five years they’ve continued to improve the game and offer seven IAP expansions to vary and change up the gameplay. During that time TheCodingMonkeys, also went on to find success with their stellar digital adaptations of the classic Reiner Knizia two-player card game Lost Cities in 2012 and all-ages friendly memory game Chicken Cha Cha Cha as well as their original puzzle/memory game Rules! in 2014 (which will also have an Apple Watch version at launch).
To celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Carcassonne for iOS, TheCodingMonkeys have not only revealed that they are working on a Mac version of the game which will be coming out later this year and which will allow for cross-platform play. However, that’s not all, they’ve also just released a specially priced Fifth Anniversary IAP bundle to “make it easy to catch up with all expansions so far”. For just a single $4.99 IAP you get all of the existing 7 expansions at a savings of over 50% off buying them individually.
You can follow @carcassonneapp on Twitter for more news and tidbits during development.