Right now, nearly all of the thrilling adventure games in the Runaway series developed by Pendulo Studios and published by Bulkypix are on sale for just 99¢ each.
This is a huge bargain as these games normally sell for as much as $6.99 a piece!
So if you like point and click adventures I highly recommend loading a few of these on your device for the weekend. Yesterday, which also comes from Pendulo Studios is also on sale and is very, very good as well.
Bulkypix has also put a couple of their other games on sale including Redneck Revenge: A Zombie Roadtrip for FREE.
I suspect the sale should last through the weekend.
Note that App Store prices fluctuate frequently and there can be some propagation delay, so the prices above may not be correct. Always make sure that the price is correct before clicking 'BUY'.