EAMlogoVERTrgb-for-Twitter_biggerThis morning the App Store appears to be packed with price drops on many EA Mobile games in some sort of yet to be announced sale. Enjoy the following Pre-Memorial Day savings:

BATTLESHIP ($2.99 -> 99¢)
FIFA World Cup™ ($6.99-> $4.99)
THE GAME OF LIFE Classic Edition ($2.99 -> $1.99)
Mystery Mania ($1.99 -> 99¢)
Need For Speed Shift ($6.99 -> $4.99)
SCRABBLE™ ($4.99 -> $2.99)
Sim City™ ($2.99 -> $1.99)
The Sims 3 ($6.99 -> $4.99)
The Sims 3 World Adventures ($6.99 -> $4.99)
The Simpsons Arcade ($2.99 -> 99¢)
Skate It ($6.99 -> $4.99)
Spore™ Creatures ($6.99 -> $1.99)
TETRIS® ($4.99 -> $2.99)
Trivial Pursuit ($4.99 -> $2.99)