X-MEN-Logo-psd59239Last week was a slow week for Apple News as it seems things are being kept close tot he vest for WWDC in a couple of weeks.

For new apps we discussed the photo-worthy Fresco News, Fun Golf GPS 3D the golf GPS app which makes your real-life golf game feel like a round of Tiger Woods, and the nature diorama Plants by Tinybop.

Here is a link to the Plants Handbook that we mention in the show, it is definitely very useful for getting the most out of this app. I recommend saving it into iBooks on the same device.

As for games, we had GlitchSoft’s superhero button masher, Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past which unfortunately didn’t quite put up the challenge I was hoping for, the gorgeous and adventurous Globosome: Path of the Swarm, the much improved Sophomore effort Ruzzle Adventure and entertaining runner Bill Killem.


Purchase the apps mentioned in this episode: