Classic Strategy Card Game ‘Turn The Tide’ Swimmingly Makes Its Way To iOS

One of my favorite genres of games to play on iOS are digital board and card games. They take up no shelf space,...

We’re Crazy About Twiitch And Chillingo’s Coco Loco™

Angry Birds’ effect on the iPhone market was similar to that of a virus, with wave after wave of clones forced upon us, and...

You’ll Go Mad For Angry Birds!

With strong titles like Tumble Jumble, Aztec Quest and (the newly updated) Angry Birds, Clickgamer is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with...

WoW TCG Heroes Ensures You’ll Always Have That Horde Druid Or Gnome Rogue When...

Anyone that knows me is keenly aware that I pretty much live and breathe gaming in all its forms. My day job is running events...

The Amazing Race Game Captures The Spirit And Fun Of The Show

Your iOS device is waiting...Go! Ludia's The Amazing Race Game does a great job of capturing the spirit and fun of the CBS television show....

SHADOWGUN: Deadzone Is Lively, But It Flatlines Now And Then

If you've played any recent console shooters, you'll be familiar with the basic formula that Shadowgun: Deadzone is “aiming” for (rimshot). You get a...

Ravensword: Shadowlands Satisfies Those PC/Console Open-World RPG Cravings With Your Mobile Device

One of the most common complaints heard from people when they discuss mobile gaming is that there is a lack of console-quality game experience...

Telltale’s Jurassic Park Is Thrilling To Watch, But Its Interactive Elements Feel A Bit...

Cue the theme, the logo, the dinosaurs... From the moment it starts, Telltale's Jurassic Park instantly transports you to Isla Nublar and the magical and...

Hands On Preview : Clickgamer’s Tumble Jumble

We had the opportunity to get our hands on the final build of Clickgamer's Tumble Jumble before it hits the App Store next week,...

Illusion Labs’ Touchgrind BMX Is Tricked Up And Ready To Perform

Touchgrind BMX is a sort-of sequel to Illusion Labs' Touchgrind, which was an interesting, but ultimately lacking Skateboard simulator. BMX switches its focus from...