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Memorial Day is still several days away, yet it seems that the App Store is already bursting with sale prices.

’99¢’ seems to be the magic number, with a boat load of titles from Cartoon Network, Orange Pixel, Amanita Design and more, as well as an all-time low price for the great digital adaptation of Castles of Mad King Ludwig.

Sales are great, but let us not forget the real reason for this holiday and please take a moment this Memorial Dial Day to reflect and express your gratitude for all of the brave men and woman who unselfishly sacrificed their own lives in the service of our country.

We will continue to update this list as new items go on sale, so be sure to keep checking back all weekend long.









Note that App Store prices fluctuate frequently and there can be some propagation delay, so the prices above may not be correct. Always make sure that the price is correct before clicking 'BUY'.