infinity-blade-iii_610003290_ipad_02.jpgChair Entertainment Groupt has just launched a big sale on the Infinity Blade Trilogy bundle.

Whether you are brand new to this award-winning series or looking to round out your Infinity Blade game collection, right now you can download the complete Infinity Blade Trilogy for just $5!

The individual Infinity Blade titles are also on sale for $2.99 each (a savings of $2-3 off of their regular prices).

There are new ClashMobs and tournaments starting soon, so now is a perfect time to grab your sword and join in on the action.

Check out a the video below for a sneak peek of the steel slinging saga that awaits you in ChAIR’s groundbreaking mobile action game series utilizing the Unreal Engine.

If you’d like to learn more about the Infinity Blade universe, visit the official website at

Find game tips, contests, fan art and more by following Infinity Blade on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Buy Infinity Blade gear at

Complete your own Infinity Blade Trilogy below: