Angry Birds Seasons Will Challenge Even The Maddest Of Angry Birds Fans

It's terrible to be producing a review of a seasonal app out of season, but the good thing about seasons is that there is...

‘Zombie Parkour Runner’ Is A Cool Concept Devistated By Poor Execution

“Seriously, what is cooler than parkour and zombies?” No doubt that very thought is what many who buy Zombie Parkour Runner are thinking when...

‘Eyes – The Horror Game’ Is An Atmospheric Thriller on Your Mobile Device…Prepare To...

I waited, huddled in the corner of the house's lone bathroom. The sole light giving inviting illumination from the ceiling had just shattered, and...

Real Boxing Is A Technical Knockout, But It Gets Disqualified In The Fun Department

Real Boxing, by developer Vivid Games, puts you in the virtual gloves of an up-and-coming boxer, and gives you a handful of modes to...

A Preschooler’s Perspective : Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo

Humongous Entertainment's hugely popular Putt-Putt adventure game series which debuted for the PC in the early 90's finally makes its way to iOS. Being a...

Gameloft’s Official Iron Man 3 iOS Game Lacks That Tony Stark Sense of Fun

As general rule I don't tend to play movie tie-in games before I see the movie for fear of plot spoilage, but in the...

Why Mess With A Good Thing? ‘Kingdom Rush Frontiers’ May Be Familiar, But It...

It's been nearly a year and a half since Kingdom Rush first graced our iPads and now developer Ironhide Games has decided to launch...

I’ve Found Carmen Sandiego and She’s Up To Her Old V.I.L.E. Tricks On The...

The year was 1985 and Brøderbund Software (makers of Apple II staples like Choplifter, Lode Runner and Karateka) released a ground-breaking geography-focused educational game...

Kings’ Corners Is Possibly The Finest Implementation Of This Solitaire Variant On iOS

I, like I'm sure many of you, have played A LOT of solitaire games on my iPhone. However, Order Of Leisure's new card game,...

A Toddler’s Take : Elmo’s Monster Maker Is Sure To Please Your Little Monsters

A Toddler’s Take is where 3-year old Emily plays an age-appropriate title and we share her unfiltered reactions and impressions.       Growing up, watching Sesame Street,...